The modern workspace is all about productivity and collaboration. We think productivity and collaboration are so important to business success and, ultimately, customer experience that we recently ran an event in Auckland focused on it!
behind the name
Aptly titled, ‘Get more done with Google’, where we had four incredible speakers sharing their stories about how Google Workspace transformed their teams. We’ve written a summary of their key points, so if you missed out, or need a refresher, read on!
how to get more done
A productive and collaborative workspace is an innovative one – benefits far exceed the bottom line. Google Workspace empowers employees to work smarter and provide a flexible environment where work can become what you do, and not where you are.
We’re good at teams in New Zealand. We’re competitive and work together to produce something special: a winning try, a boat that flies over the water, a rocket in space or a billion-dollar software business. But behind all that greatness are the right tools.

Google Workspace is for business too
We all need to work smarter – New Zealand ranks 21 on the OECD productivity list of 35 developed countries. Compared to Denmark, we work 25% more hours than the Danish, and yet they still produce 40% more GDP per hour worked. Why? They’re simply more productive than us.
It may be slick, easy to use, and ‘trendy’ but don’t let that fool you! Google Workspace, previously called G Suite, is used by enterprises around the world and is changing the way they work. Remote working is gaining popularity as the office walls become a bit more blurred. With Google Workspace it’s simple – just log in and access all the files you have at the office, anywhere.
Kiwi’s have an undeniable work ethic, but hustle only gets you so far. Using the right tools for the job delivers a 304% return on investment (ROI). Those early adopters knew what they needed, and Google listened!
Editors update: The 2015 Forrester study is no longer available on their website, but good news a 2018 TEI Forrester Study of Google Chrome OS and Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) version is available instead. Spoiler alert: The ROI after implementing Google Workspace increased to 359%.
do you know how to collaborate?
To grow productivity for our organisations, and New Zealand as a whole, we need to be the best in the world at collaboration. In the same 2015 Forrester Study, they found that an enterprise gained $8 million of collaboration efficiencies through the use of Google Workspace. This competitive advantage stems from the time saved, and productivity increased when the teams are working in real-time.
Sending versions back and forth is a thing of the past. You will never open a file name FINAL final V2 again – and we think that’s a beautiful thing. Using cloud-enabled productivity suites will help take your teamwork to the masters league. Edit the same document, in real-time, anywhere. Enjoy the freedom of working faster not harder.
“but what about my Excel macros?!”
… We hear you screaming. And you’re not alone! Many Excel devotees have gone before you. Google heard the masses’ cries and have introduced macros recording. Write scripts, automate functions, and dig into those pivot tables as normal – but work on the same sheet with your team.
There are some team members (think: finance, data scientists, etc.) that are so deeply intertwined in Excel that it doesn’t make practical sense to switch them – don’t fret. It doesn’t mean your migration has failed, after all the goal should be an improved way of working and sometimes this means not breaking anything. We call these ‘special cases’ and are the reason why running a proper change management program alongside any major technology change is so important.
Surveys are a great tool that allows you to check-in with your team regularly; we love Google Forms! Creating a feedback loop that allows you to identify and cater to individual users can win you some of your biggest advocates.

with thanks to our speakers
Another huge thank you to our speakers: Andrew Collins from Google Cloud (not pictured), Simon Casey from Barfoot and Thompson, Garrett Cox from Xero, and Igor Matich from Dynamo6.
like the cut of our jib?
Dynamo6 are Google Cloud Premier Partners with tonnes of experience migrating organisations to Google Workspace. Check out more about Google Workspace or talk to us about which cloud productivity suite is right for you.