
To help with improving your organisation's cloud workload security, we’ve created a licensing and security monitoring service you can tailor to your needs. Delivered by us, powered by CrowdStrike.

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What is Cloud Protect?

Cloud Protect is a cloud security monitoring service delivered by us, powered by CrowdStrike. We’ve combined our cloud expertise with CrowdStrike’s security solution to offer endpoint and cloud workload protection.

Together we continuously monitor for and remove threats from endpoints, cloud workloads and containers with our cloud security monitoring services.

You choose the level of monitoring and response from us that you need; with options for licencing only, lite support, or hands-on support.

Your options

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Licence only

CrowdStrike Cloud Workload Protection licence reselling only. This option is ideal for the cloud-mature organisation, with a team that can monitor and respond to alerts rapidly.

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Licence + Lite touch support

Cloud config support & CrowdStrike Cloud Workload Protection licence reselling. This option is ideal for mid or smaller teams, needing a little bit of support in cloud configuration and security amendments in response to CrowdStrike alerts.

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Licence + Hands-on support

Full cloud management and alert response plus CrowdStrike Cloud Workload Protection licence reselling. This option is ideal for lean IT teams, it takes care of your ongoing cloud configuration & security amendments and provides response and remediation activities from the CrowdStrike alerts.

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Reasons to consider

Research from IBM found that it takes 283 days for an organisation to spot and respond to a security breach. The average cost for ANZ orgs is $4 million.

So, here are some reasons to consider Cloud Protect:

  • In a world where bad actors seemingly don’t sleep, you need assurance that your systems and data are being monitored all the time.
  • As threats develop, you can’t afford to wait for updates that take days and weeks. Real-time intelligence and response are called for.
  • No organisation is too small to be targeted. And no security team is large enough to handle it alone.

About us

We’re a fresh thinking and independent tech company. Since we were founded in 2012, we’ve developed a name for ourselves in building and looking after cloud environments. Our cloud experience and certifications cover the big 3 - AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft.

For our cloud services, we have a wonderful team of friendly experts. For your cloud security review, our team of cloud architects and engineers will be on hand.

We also provide other services, such as building websites, apps and crafting digital experiences.

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1 Response time and average costs are cited from IBM’s ‘Cost of a data breach’ report, 2021.

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