We will set up Pixelbook Go Chromebook devices in your organization for you to try. The Chromebooks will be set up with a Chrome Enterprise upgrade, so you’ll get the full Chrome experience.

nothing ventured, nothing gained
We will help you experience how Chromebooks and Chrome Enterprise will benefit your organization by setting up a proof of concept for you. If you decide it doesn’t work for you, no problem. If it does work out, you can expect to save up to 52% on your total cost of ownership over 3 years.

what the pilot includes
Your pilot includes:
- Up to 5 Pixelbook Go Chromebook devices
- The configuration of the devices to your network environment
- The deployment of your apps, extensions, and bookmarks
- Remote IT support

reasons to think about Chromebooks
Chromebooks are expected to deliver $482 per year in operational savings. Some other time and money-saving features are:
- Chromebooks are built to operate with cloud-based applications and data,
- The hardware cost is significantly lower,
- OS upgrades are delivered automatically, with no additional operational cost,
- No mobility or antivirus software is needed.

choosing your Google Cloud Partner
The real value in working with a partner is the experienced deployment and expert advice you can draw on. We can help you with custom integration between internal systems you may need, admin and security config, and cost optimisation.
We’re Google Cloud Partners with expertise in workplace transformation awarded through successful deployments of Google Workspace and Chrome Enterprise in mid and large-sized New Zealand organisations.
request your trial
By clicking "Submit your details" you are agreeing to be contacted by Dynamo6 and your data processed in line with our privacy notice. You can unsubscribe at any time.
terms of offer
- This trial offer is provided in conjunction with Google Cloud and Chrome Enterprise. The devices are loaned via Synnex Australia and set up and supported by Dynamo6.
- To provide you with this pilot offer, your personal data must be shared with the above parties to take part.
- The pilot is available for 30 days, starting from the date you receive your device(s).
- There are up to 5 devices available for the trial, the number of devices available to you may change as other companies participate in the pilot.
- This offer may be withdrawn or changed at any time.
We’ve mentioned some figures of 52% total cost of ownership savings over 3 years, $482 saved per year, as well as some other benefits that Chromebooks with the Enterprise upgrade brings. These figures and benefits are based on the findings of independent research from the Enterprise Strategy Group. You can check out this full report for free courtesy of Google Cloud.
exclusive offer
This pilot programme is provided by Google Cloud and Chrome Enterprise. It’s an exclusive offer between Google Cloud and Dynamo6. Dynamo6 is the only New Zealand Google Cloud partner offering this pilot.